Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Photographs Of Mammogram Mammograms: Yes, No, Or Maybe?

Mammograms: yes, no, or maybe? - photographs of mammogram

For your information, mammograms are really recognize cancer cells, such as doctors, by an image of X-ray


neona807 said...

Mammogram at your age and your family in fact.

If you are under 35 years, a mammogram does not show too much, because the dense breast tissue. Thanks to the convenient not have to mammography under age 35 unless your doctor suggests that for some reason.

If you have a family history of breast cancer and her mother or sister had breast cancer or you should get a baseline at age 35 or 36 If results are normal, does not need any other time until the 40th

If you have no family history of breast cancer, you should include a reference to 40 years.

After forty years, when the family history, your doctor will probably recommend one or every year or every two years.
No family history, their dOctors probably wait until 45 years for his next and then every two years.
After 50 years, mammography should be performed annually.

I have a family history of me, my mother died in '93 and the beginning of my last birthday, I began my annual mammogram. I choose to do, for the week of my birthday, so he can remember when planning a year.

For those of you who may be in fear of cancer, early detection save lives. Be sure to get tested because they fear that the results. Something will soon be recognized sooon something you can do. My mother because she had expected, after they found the piece that I was afraid that the doctor would say.
Even for tPants of you who have never mammorgram - not so bad. Yes, they crush your breasts, but only for a moment, and usually a woman in mammography. Nobody else in the room, just you and technology.

All women should have a mammogram?

marchand... said...

Yes, you should see if that is the question ...

idontwan... said...

Well, yes! I think a review on my Boobage not have cancer and should be removed or die! It may be the most pleasant experience but worth it!

mstmobil... said...

Sure, why not. If you are in a certain age, you should. I say 30 years or more.

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